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That is a very traumatic point of the child's life. They cannot stop it, and most important things that happen in a child's life is remembered. When the child looks back at their past, they think of the bad things that happened first. So if your parent brutally beat you that's what you're going to remember the most. And it hurts alot to think of such things like that. It's the same as if a child's mother died when they were 9 or so they would remember that and they wouldn't ever forget that moment and what happened. Or if a child had a NDE(near death experience), they would remember that when they looked back on that particular moment. I'm a 14 year old child and I was abused, so when I came up to this question, I had to answer it.

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Q: How does child abuse make children mentally scared for life?
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Florida restricts all spanking as child abuse. Florida law states that any act that can physically or mentally hurt a child is considered child abuse and you can be charged with a felony for it.

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yes because if you cause an harm to your child its counted as child abuse

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In short, abuse is any action that disrespects another's request to stop. states that abuse is: To use wrongly or improperly; misuse: abuse alcohol; abuse a privilege. To hurt or injure by maltreatment; ill-use. To force sexual activity on; rape or molest. To assail with contemptuous, coarse, or insulting words; revile. Obsolete. To deceive or trick.

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If you can prove that he's been mentally abusive (statements and letters from friends or family would help) then it would be up to a judge to decide whether the children should be subjected to a mentally abusive father. By the way, there are some who believe that allowing children to witness the physical or mental abuse between parents is actually a form of child abuse.

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it is a problem because it keeps on going because when they child being abused has children there is a possibility that they will abuse there children

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about 4 children die every day due to child abuse or neglect

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A lot about 4 children die everyday because of child abuse. Child abuse is a terrible thing.

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four children die everyday due to child abuse or neglect.

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Child abuse only exists when a child is being harmed. As long as the gay couple who wishes to adopt treats their child with love and care and respect, that child is not being abused.

A good thesis statement on child abuse?

"Child abuse is a complex issue that requires immediate attention and intervention. This thesis will explore the causes and consequences of child abuse, as well as possible prevention strategies and support systems for victims."