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Q: How does circes show hospitality to odysseus?
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Who helps Odysseus survive Circes tricksWho helps Odysseus survive Circes tricks?

Hermes giving him the moly potion

How long was Odysseus on circes island?

A year.

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What is unusual about the animals in circes hall?

The animals in Circe's hall are Odysseus's men.

What god helps Odysseus repel Circe's spells?

the god who helped Odysseus repel circes spell would be Hermes the mesenger of the gods.

What is Eurylochus' reaction to Odysseus' news concerning his conquest of Circe?

Eurylochus was defiant. He attempted to stop Odysseus men from following him to Circes house but Odysseus men decided to follow him and Eurylochus came with because Odysseus yelled at him.

How does the Ithacan's show hospitality in The Odyssey who honors and abuses it?

The Ithacans show hospitality by welcoming guests, providing food and shelter, and treating them with respect. Odysseus honors hospitality by following the customs of the hosts and showing gratitude. The suitors abuse hospitality by overstaying their welcome, disrespecting their hosts, and taking advantage of their generosity without giving anything in return.

How does the cyclops respond to Odysseus plea for hospitality?

he eats his two men

What are 3 examples of Odysseus' curiosity?

Sending scouts to Circes island is one Sending scouts to the lotus eaters is two Going to meet polyphemus is three

After a year of circe's hospitality who told Odysseus that it is time to depart?

Odysseus' crew asked to go home after a year on Circe's island.

Why does Odysseus remain with Aeolus for a month?

Odysseus remained with Aeolus for a month out of hospitality. Further, Aeolus wished to know about the war of Troy, and asked Odysseus many questions on the subject.