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No, exposure to dry, warm air dehydrates fruit. Citric acid just keeps them from turning brown.

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Q: How does citric acid dehydrate fruits?
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Related questions

Does citric acid have effect on fruit?

yes the acid will dehydrate other types of fruits

What acid is in citrus fruits?

The acid found in citrus fruits is called the citric acid and can provide a sour taste and helps fight of predators with its sting when it gets into your eyes so the acid in citrus fruit is citric :)

Is Citric acid natural?

Yes because there are citric fruits

What is the difference between malic acid and citric acid?

Malic acid is an acid that is tart and produced naturally in unripe fruits. Citric acid is naturally in the juice of sour fruits and commercially made. Commercial citric acid is made from fermented sugar.

What kind of acid are in Citrus fruits?

Citric acid mainly

Is orange juice and acid or an alkali?

Oranges contain citric acid. That is why oranges are called citric fruits.

Does applesauce have citric acid?

Most fruits contain citric acid. The amount of citric acid in apples and pears is significantly lower than that of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons.

Which acid is normally found in lemon and grape fruits?

Citric acid

How does Grapefruit juice contain acid?

citric acid is in alot of fruits

What acidds are in fruits?

The main acids in fruits include: malic acid (apples), tartaric acid (grapes), and citric acid (citrus fruits).

Types of acid present in the fruits?

Citric Acid is common in many different types of fruits.

Is citric acid ok to give to a horse?

Not copious amounts of it. Citric acid is found in many fruits, so it your horse likes oranges, its eatng citric acid.