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Q: How does clear cutting a forest affect energy flow and nutrient cycle in an ecosystem?
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What is the path that energy and nutrient follow in an ecosystem?

energy pyramid or nutrient pyramid.

How does clear cutting a forest affect energy flow in an ecosystem?

It makes it not be able to give out enough oxygen in the environment because we need trees so we can breathe so there won't be much energy flow in the forest.

A community and all of the nonliving things that affect it?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment. Energy, water, nitrogen and soil minerals are other essential abiotic components of an ecosystem.

How does mutualism affect an ecosystem?

Mutualism ensures that a cycle of the distribution of nutrients and energy is maintained.

Which would be considered an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a system comprised of living organisms and nonliving material working together through nutrient cycles and energy flows. The basic requirements of an ecosystem include a source of energy, the ability to store energy in chemical bonds, and a means by which to recycle essential substances between organisms and the environment.

A path of energy through the trophic levels of an ecosystem is called?

energy pyramid or nutrient pyramid.

What are the dynamics of any ecosystem?

two major process 1 = cycling of nutrient 2= chemical energy (food)

How do phytoplankton affect the ecosystem of the entire earth?

Phytoplankton affects the ecosystem of the entire earth in the sense that phytoplankton is at the very top level of the food chain. Fish and whales eat phytoplankton for energy and then we eat fish for energy.

How is productivity of an ecosystem measured?

Ecosystem energy budget`s depend primarily of autotroph`s such as photoautotrophic organisms. The budget (energy that can be used by energy flux) depends on these primary producers for the rest of the food webs.

What happens to energy in an ecosystem?

The energy in an ecosystem is used by the organisms in that ecosystem. In the case of the sun as energy, nothing happens because the sun always supplies energy.

What describes the energy changes involved in an ecosystem?

The sun's energy is made available to an ecosystem by the plants in that ecosystem.

How does the energy leaves the ecosystem?

Usually, energy leaves the ecosystem when an organism leaves the ecosystem, they usually leave by death.