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Mind-altering drugs can often have a very negative effect and cause cognitive impairment. The drugs entice people for a short-term high or buzz, but in the long run will cause much difficulty and pain in life. The brain is the leader of the whole body, and as such, it is important to keep the mind in check. Bad modes of thinking or fringe ideas which lead to psychological issues should be recognized as detrimental to the person and his or her community. Keeping a strong and healthy brain is as important as keeping a strong and healthy body, if not even more important. Exercising the mind with constant challenges will keep you sharp and up to date to an old age. People with good minds are able to easily do well in life and are stronger against cognitive impairments. Some cognitive impairments which present themselves at birth are simply an imbalance in brain energy. An autistic person or someone with Aspergers syndrome may have trouble behaving normally in social situations, but may be able to tell you the number of seconds since he or she was born in a quick calculation. There is also considerable excitability involved in certain types of memory and learning with some people who have these conditions.

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