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Q: How does cold weather affect supply and demand of crops?
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What happens to supply as price decreases?

If demand remains constant and supply decreases, then the price will rise. The law of supply and demand says that a price will move either up or down based on the balance of supply and demand. As the supply decreases, prices will move higher because the product is more scarce. As supply increases, prices will move lower because the product is readily available. For instance, suppose there is a drought and wheat is in short supply. The price of flour and bread will increase because people still want to buy them but they are in short supply. On the other hand, if there is a bumper crop and wheat is plentiful, the cost will drop as farmers compete to sell their crops. Prices are also affected by demand. Several years ago, Beanie Babies were in great demand as collector items so prices soared. Today, however, the demand is much lower so prices have dropped greatly (with basically the same supply on the market).

Crops that are continuously in demand?


What are the factors affecting supply of agricultural products?

Weather would definitely be one fo them, perhaps the most important one. If the weather is bad, the crops will not be able to grow properly. Which affects the supply farmers can provide. If the supply lowers then firms in the secondary sector may not be able to produce as many goods, such as rice, pasta etc...

Why the combination of consumer and producer surplus is not maximized if there is either excess demand or supply?

Because the land upon which people grows crops is limited to them. Therefore they can't increase their production also they have limited money previously so they can't grow new crops.

The farming crisis in the 1920s was caused by a decrease in demand for crops after what?

World War I.

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Does the wheather in china affect the crops?

Weather affects crops everywhere. The type of weather and the crops determine what the affect is going to be.

What made the supply of agriculture rise faster then the demand?

Oil crops is what makes supply of agriculture rise fast. This rises more faster than the demand.

How does weather affect Tequesta life?

the rain helped the crops grow

How did bio fuel affect food supply?

More farmers started to make bio fuel crops rather than food crops. The bio fuel crops take resources such as land and water away from food crop production, which means that food crop prices may rise as demand rises.

How does weather affect agriculture?

weather affects agriculture: # too much rain can damage the crops. # too less rain can make the crops dry. # different crops need more or less water and if they didn't get them they fail to grow and we don't get crops

What is the affect seasons has one the weather?

the effect was that the all crops will destroy and another one was that we will die if one the weather all

How do plants affect s crops and livestock supply?

Plants are the mainstay of agriculture. Crops are comprised of plants, and livestock are very commonly herbivorous animals that depend on plants for growth, survival, and health. If plants did not exist on this earth, every living thing known to mankind would not exist either, and that includes humans. Weather that affects crops or any change in climate can negatively (or in some cases, positively) affect supply in terms of food distribution, harvests, etc.

How does climate affect farmers?

When the weather gets too cold, crops can die of freezing temperatures. In the other hand, if the weather gets too hot, crops can die of dehydration/lack of water.

How can climate and weather affect people in Texas?

The persipitation(rain) affect people in Texas. People have to time when to plant and harvest their crops.

How does climate affect the crops grown between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian mountains?

The climate affects the crops grown between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains by changing the weather in order for the crops to grow strong and healthy.

How does weather and climate affect food and water supplies?

The weather can affect the price of foods by ruining crops. Droughts can cause crops to not grow, which impacts that price of foods by driving it up. An example of this is frost that impacts Florida oranges can run the crops and cause a rise in the price of orange juice.

Crops that are in demand all the time are called?

trade crops