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The weather can affect the price of foods by ruining crops. Droughts can cause crops to not grow, which impacts that price of foods by driving it up. An example of this is frost that impacts Florida Oranges can run the crops and cause a rise in the price of Orange Juice.

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10y ago

Weather includes short-term phenomenon, like showers, storms and dry seasons. Lack of rain at specific times causes crops to fail, and severe storms can destroy crops. Climate refers to the long term effects, increasing or reducing the likelihood or rainfall or severe weather, which can make certain crops no longer viable or cause widespread water shortages.

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Q: How does weather and climate affect food and water supplies?
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Weather includes short-term phenomenon, like showers, storms and dry seasons. Lack of rain at specific times causes crops to fail, and severe storms can destroy crops. Climate refers to the long term effects, increasing or reducing the likelihood or rainfall or severe weather, which can make certain crops no longer viable or cause widespread water shortages.

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No. Climate is weather and weather brings rain. Without climate there would be little water and all the crops would die.

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no right?

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How water can affect the climate?

it can make it rain.