


An orange is a round juicy citrus fruit. There are a few varieties and have a tough bright orange rind. Oranges are delicious fruits, eaten alone, used in cooking, or juiced for beverages.

402 Questions

Explain the summary of not just oranges?

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The Road Not TakenIn A Nutshell

Even if you haven't yet read "The Road Not Taken," it will probably have a familiar ring when you do - it's one of the most popular poems by one of the most famous American writers of the twentieth century, Robert Frost. Along with Frost's poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," it's probably one of the most taught poems in American schools. First published in Frost's collection Mountain Interval in 1916, almost a century later "The Road Not Taken" is still quoted left and right by inspirational speakers, writers, commercials, and everyday people.

We could go on and on about how famous this poem is, but, since it is famous, you probably already know that.

What you might not know is that this poem may not be as simple and uplifting as it seems. While "The Road Not Taken" is often read as a resounding nonconformist's credo, the poem isn't so sure about its message. In fact, sometimes it flat out contradicts itself.

But the possibility that the poem has multiple meanings doesn't mean that it's not worthy of its popularity. Actually, the poem's ambiguity improves it. Read closely, this poem is more than popular culture has made it out to be. It's more than a call to go your own way; it's a reflection on life's hard choices and unknowns.

Why Should I Care?

Most people have been faced with a fork in an actual road or path, and not been sure which path to go down. Of course, today, we can whip out a GPS or cell phone and figure out which is the correct path. But if we're beyond the reach of satellites, we just make a choice, unaided by technology. We might pick the road that gets us where we want to go, or one that takes us somewhere new, but either way, the road we choose takes us to where we are.

Just like trying to pick a path when we're driving or walking, we've all had to choose from different paths in life: which job to take, which college to go to, which girl or boy to ask to homecoming - the list of life's choices is endless. And for every metaphorical road we take in life, there is a road not taken - the club we didn't join, the class we didn't take, the words we didn't say.

One of the big questions we face is whether or not to take the well-beaten, typical path. Is that the best choice, or should we be non-conformists and take the less-traveled route? Years into the future, after making our decision, how will we feel about the path we've chosen?

Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" is about these quandaries, present in every person's life. A lot of people think this poem is encouraging us to take the road that's less traveled. And while it's easy to fall into that well-beaten path of analysis, it's not exactly accurate. So make sure that when you read this poem, you take your own road, whether it's the road less traveled or not.

Can oranges produce electricity?

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Oranges can produce electricity through a process called microbial fuel cells, where the sugars in the fruit are broken down by bacteria to generate a small electric current. This technology is being explored for potential use in small-scale, sustainable energy applications.

How are orange seeds spread?

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Orange seeds are typically spread by animals like birds and mammals that eat the fruit and then deposit the seeds in other locations through their droppings. Some seeds may also be spread by humans when they discard the peels in different areas.

What noun is oranges?

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The noun 'oranges' is the plural form for the noun orange, a common, concrete noun; a word for a thing.

Can oranges crack a spine?

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Yes and i only searched this up because i was watching Icarly and Freddy asked to search it up and im gonna say yes so there u go Freddy.

Do oranges grow in Scotland?

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No. Ireland is not warm enough.

Can you hear and describe the sound when you peel or chew an orange?

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when you peel an orange a distinctive sound is produced. The closest i can get to the sound of a peeling orange is a squishy or crunchy (depends on how ripe the fruit is) and sounds pretty wierd.

What is oranges made of?

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apples!:) meg wing and hayles smith :-) oxoxoxo

One orange costs 19p how much will three oranges cost?

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The costs are figured by adding up the letters in the name of each fruit, counting A as 1, B as 2, etc. Thus orange = 15 + 18 + 1 + 14 + 7 + 5 = 60p. With this formula, KIWI doesn't satisfy the condition :)

Where can you buy real jaffa oranges?

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In the fruit section of your local supermarket.

Why are oranges called oranges but grapes aren't called purples?

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not all fruits need to be named by their colour

Can eating too many oranges turn your skin orange?

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Yes. Eating too many oranges at one sitting - or eating too much of ANYTHING - can cause diarrhea.

Eating an orange or two every day, or an apple every day - is good for everyone.

When are oranges ripe in Florida?

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i think june or july. maybe

If 6 oranges cost 5.34 how much will one cost?

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If 6 oranges cost $5.34 how much will 1 cost

Do oranges grow in Hawaii?

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Why is your orange juice bitter the day after you juice the oranges?

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probably because normally oranges are proffesionally squeezed and all that. but mostly they are condensed too so i think you are supposed to add water and sugar and all that but im not for sure. you should try looking on the back of a orange juice container and see what it says that should help you. =)

How many oranges in one crate?

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What do you mean, how many oranges in the box? What box?

The oranges are: Team fortress 2, Portal, and Half-Life 2 Episodes 1 2 and 3 I think

What happens when oranges get put in alcohol?

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ummm depending on your tolerance for hot foods it will burn and as for the alcohol i dont know

How do oranges get to the store?

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i think they got there by the first person who found them from the U.S

What state do oranges grow in?

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Oranges are grown in:

  • Brazil
  • US (Florida, Texas, and California)
  • India
  • Mexico
  • China
  • Spain
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • Indonesia
  • Egypt
  • Pakistan

How much does a peeled orange weigh?

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Every orange is going to be different, but it probably averages around 9 to 11 ounces (255 to 312 grams).