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Q: How does combustion help carbon to return to the atmosphere?
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What can be added to help the combustion of the carbon?

pottasium chlorate

What is carbon monoxide cycle?

Carbon monoxide is first produced by either human activities involving combustion or a variety of natural processes. From there on, it reacts with oxygen/hydrogen radicals in the atmosphere and become carbon dioxide. The fact that most carbon monoxide will become carbon dioxide when left in the atmosphere long enough can help explain why the carbon monoxide cycle is not taught in school.

How does carbon dioxide go back in the atmosphere?

Cellular respiration by producers and consumers returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.-Cellular respiration-Volcanic eruptions-Human interference (burning of fossil fuels)

Does mining help remove carbon dioxide from your atmosphere?


Name the form of carbon in the atmosphere reservoir?

Do you mean just the form of carbon in the atmosphere, or every where? If you mean in the atmosphere it's Carbon Dioxide, but if you mean everywhere it's in limestone, trees, the ocean, and other places. Sorry if this doesn't help ya.

Plants help reverse the effects of global warming by removing what chemical from the atmosphere?

Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The oceans help provide an exchange of gases with the atmosphere by dissolving what?

Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen

How does riding bikes or walking help the environment?

Avoiding powered transportation (cars, buses, even electric ones) will save energy, which would otherwise have to be generated mainly by burning fossil fuels. Combustion of fossil fuels adds carbon and pollution to the atmosphere.

What causes carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to increase?

Carbon dioxide is known to help keep our planet warm and is a minor contributor to the overall warming of the planet. Current levels are around 0.037% which is questionably up from a 1000 year low in 1850 of 0.028%. This change has been consistent with past records of warming trends. CO2 follows temperature rises by 20 to 800 years. These increases help plant life.A:Increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes Global Warming.

Animals help keep the gases in the atmosphere in balance by?

Plants and animals help to maintain a balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Photosynthesis releases oxygen and cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide.

How can plankton help combat global warming?

Plankton may absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Can plants help global warming?

Yes, plants absorb carbon dioxide which is increasing in the atmosphere.