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Q: How does compression affect the crust?
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Do compression and tension affect the thickness of earth's crust?

Yes, Compression can thicken the earths crust and tension can cause thinning in the earths crust.

Compression and tension affect what of Earth's crust?

I think its thickness that's wat i put on my hw

Compare the way that compression affects the crust to the way that tension affects the crust?

compression and tension are opposite. compression pushes the crust together but tension pulls it apart

Compression is a force that changes earths crust by?

Compression is a force that changes Earth's crust by squeezing rock until it folds or breaks.

Which force squeezes Earth's crust to make the crust longer and thinner?


Can low compression affect timing?

No. Low compression does not effect timing but timing can affect compression.

How does stress affect earth's crust?

Shearing, tension, and compression work over millions of years to change the shape and volume of rock. Those are types of stress.

How stress affect earth's crust?

Shearing, tension, and compression work over millions of years to change the shape and volume of rock. Those are types of stress.

What are three landforms produced by compression in the earths crust?

Mountain ranges are what is formed by compression in the earths crust. The Himalayas, the Alps, and the California Coast Range are three examples of landforms produced by compression.

What occurs when earth crust is squeezed into a smaller space?


What occurs when the earths crust is squeezed into smaller space?


What occurs when the Earth's crust is squeezed into a smaller space?
