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Well, what I do know is that it helps clean out the urinary tract which in turn can help clear up urinary tract infections. From what I have read however, it may be a myth. Perhaps if you drink a lot of water you can be UTI free as well.

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1d ago

Cranberry juice is a diuretic, which means it can increase urine production by promoting fluid excretion from the body. This can help to flush out bacteria from the urinary tract and may be beneficial in preventing urinary tract infections.

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Three factors that influence the rate of urine production are hydration levels, blood pressure, and the hormone antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels. More water intake results in higher urine production, while low blood pressure may decrease urine production. ADH helps the body retain water, so its levels can affect urine output.

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Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urine production. This can lead to more dilute urine, which appears clearer in color. Additionally, alcohol can affect the body's ability to concentrate urine, further contributing to its clarity.

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Diminished or scant urine production is oliguria. Anuria is absent urine production.

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Urine does not affect NuvaRing.

What is anuria?

Anuria means lack of urine production (or extremely low urine production).

What does cirrhosis do with urine?

Cirrhosis can lead to kidney dysfunction, which in turn can affect urine production and composition. In advanced stages of cirrhosis, there may be a decrease in urine output or changes in urine color and consistency due to the body's reduced ability to regulate fluid and electrolyte balance.