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Q: How does currents create a garbage patch in the ocean?
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Approximately where is it Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

It is located in an area call the North Pacific Gyre, which is a patch of the North Pacific Ocean that covers thousands of square miles roughly between the United States and Japan and reaching toward Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. It's called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch because the prevailing ocean currents tend to swirl around this patch of ocean, causing all manner of floating debris to be concentrated in the gyre.

What is the difference between the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch and the Tsunami Trash caused by the March 11th 2011 Japan Earthquake and resulting Tsunami?

The Pacific Ocean Garbage patch is the collective effort of many countries-mostly China and America consisting of mainly plastic that seems to be swirling around in one area of the ocean because of it's low density/ocean currents. The Japanese tsunami trash consists of fishing boats of considerable size, trees, buildings, chemicals, cars, bodies, and other contaminated radioactive debris from the Fukishima Daiichi nuclear plant explosion caused by the tsunami.

Can a car be driven on the Great Garbage Patch?

No. The items in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch are not bonded together.

How does the the Indian Ocean affect the population around it?

humans pollute the indian ocean and use it like a garbage patch because they are to lazy to throw away their own trash.

What are the benefits of a garbage patch?

None whatsoever!

How did the pacific garbage patch start?

Indiscriminate dumping.

How long is the great garbage patch?

1,000 years

How do you use gyre in a sentence?

This implies that the food web structure and primary productivity are uncoupled in the oligotrophic gyres.The North Pacific Gyre collected enough debris to create the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

How big is the pacific garbage patch?

Twice the size of Texas.

How long is the great pacific garbage patch?

1,000 years

How do you create a mw2 patch?

You cannot create a mw2 patch, its the developpers' job.

How does the great Pacific garbage patch affect sea birds and animals?

Plastic bottles and bags dumped from ships and from storm water drains and rivers float in the oceans and the wind and currents bring them all to this great revolving Pacific Gyre. Plastic ropes and discarded fishing nets are part of it too. Scientists estimate that there is around three million tons of plastic debris there.The sun and the oceans have broken the plastic down. As the plastic degrades it releases many toxins which get into the food chain. It also breaks up into tiny pieces which are attractive to sea birds and marine creatures. This plastic junk builds up in their stomachs till they die. Some of the particles are microscopic and filter feeders like whales are swallowing them."Ghost fishing" from thrown away nets are still trapping fish and marine animals. An estimated 100,000 turtles and other animals die each year, and more than one million birds.Studies have found that even barnacles are eating tiny shreds of plastic.A:Discovered in 1997, by an American oceanographer named Charles Moore, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is composed largely of a combination of different types of plastic, and other articles of trash floating out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. There are actually several garbage patches, but the in the pacific ocean there are two. There is an Eastern and Western Pacific Garbage Patch. They are also connected by an ocean current and pick up trash from all over the world. The Western Garbage Patch is located between Japan and Hawaii. It is somewhat smaller than the one in question here, which is the Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch, located between California and Hawaii. The Eastern Garbage Patch has been described as being very large, and compared to the size of the state of Texas; which is one of largest states, if not the largest state, located in the United States. Large circular ocean currents called a gyre hold the trash accumulations.