

Best Answer
  • Trees take in CO2 and give out Oxygen - Trees supply some of the Oxygen we breathe.
  • The things that grow on the trees are beneficial to us because they are good natural products which can be used in herbal medicines and fruits to eat can be grown and eaten.
  • If there is too much Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, this can cause Acid Rain which destroys wildlife and things made out of limestone - lots of destruction.
  • You are destroying animals habitats and that is bad because we need to eat meat and many animals rely on plants growing on trees for food.
  • When we cut down trees in forests such as The Amazon Rainforest we are destroying the forest peoples' homes as well - everything that they have adapted to is gone so they can't live naturally. (There have actually been extinctions of the tribal people. They are still living but there are very few of them.)
  • In tropical rainforests, the soil is poor. The trees' plant roots grow close to the roots in order to gain the nutrients that the tree needs to grow. But once the trees are cut down, the soil suffers and it loses any nutrients it had. When it rains, the soil erodes. The soil will also dry and crack under the Sun's heat.
  • In rainforests, floods can start because as there are not as many trees as usual standing to suck up the rainwater, the excess water causes floods.
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Q: How does cutting trees affect us humans?
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How does cutting down the trees affect us as humans?

that is where we get our paper from

Who is causing the problem with trees?

us humans, by cutting down trees and burning them down Ni**s stop cutting trees sinceraly Roger Daniel Messi

How does cutting down forests affect the world?

It takes away animals homes and habitats, and trees give us oxegen.

What are some of the problems due to cutting down trees?

Cutting down trees do not only affect us but also the enviroment. By less trees being around more co2 is left hanging in the air. We should all think about what we are doing and help recycle.

How do trees help humans?

Trees help us by giving us oxygen.

How are tigers' habitats being destroyed?

Tigers Are Losing There Habitats Because Us Humans Are Cutting Down The Trees For Paper And Also Some Humans Goes Hunting Animals For fun And making Cloths Out Of Them.

Is cutting down trees or parts of trees illegal in the US?

It depends on where you are. Many countries have specific laws and rules about cutting trees. Many Mediterranean countries have laws about cutting down olive trees. Many countries have laws about cutting in protected forests, or cutting specific types of trees.

How can humans affect gas?

humans can affect gas as the us to much off it

Why is almagica tree endangered?

The reason why almaqica trees are endangered is because everyone keeps cutting it down. There are fires everywhere so, us humans, needs to be careful on what we are doing.

How do trees cut down make us loose oxygen?

Trees take in carbon dioxide, which humans and animals breathe out, and use it to make sugar or glucose molecules to survive. In return the trees produce oxygen as a by-product to photosynthesis and release it into the atmosphere. By cutting down trees, the oxygen that is produced from these trees is lost, hence causing us to loose oxygen.

Is cutting down trees considered pollution?

Well this is a really interesting question because of the fact that trees can help us but there can be a lot of ways that they can hurt us also. Is cutting down trees considered pollution? Yes: Because of the fact that if we go to the extreme of cuting them down and then burning them and affect the ecoystsem that we live in today. It could put pollutants that we are not completeely used to yet into the air. This can can cause diseases that we are not even used yet. No: It can help us because then we dont know what kind of help it can bring to us in the future we do not know what kind of up sides that this can bring to us.

Is cutting of trees are also usefull for us?

i think its a need of poor people