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How do dead organism return inorganic back to the earth

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Q: How does dead organism return inorganic nitrogen back to earth?
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Is the majority of earth's material organic or inorganic?

The majority of earth's material is inorganic.

What organism is involve in the most nitrogen fixation earth?

Nitrogen fixation carried out by the microbes is known as biological nitrogen fixation.many microbes can fix nitrogen non-symbiotically like cyanobacteria,anabaena,etc whereas certain fix N2 symbiotically like rhizhobium species.

How do you get nitrogen on earth?

Nitrogen is fixed

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The smallest organism on Earth is a nanobe

Where is most of the nitrogen on earth found?

78% of the air in Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen. Also, all plants have nitrogen.

Is nitrogen the main part of earth's atmosphere?

Yes, Earth's atmosphere is about 78% nitrogen.

Is most of the earth's atmosphere nitrogen?

Yes Earth's atmosphere comprises 78% Nitrogen.

What is the most abundent element in the earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen is!

What is inorganic matter found in the Earth?

something that isn't organic and is found in the earth

Why is the nitrogen cycle important?

They breakdown and recycle complex proteins and other materials. Without it, dead things would not decay and return to the earth. (As my friend put it - without the nitrogen cycle the earth would be clogged up with dead things)

How does the nitrogen found in Earth's atmosphere differ from the nitrogen on Pluto's surface?

I think because pluto is farther from the sun than earth the nitrogen is probally frozen so there is not as much and it is colder than the nitrogen found on earth

How does nitrogen get in the earths atmosphere?

Nitrogen gets into the earth's atmosphere through the nitrogen cycle.