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Q: How does decomposition release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?
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Does decomposition increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

probaly yes, because when something is in decomposition state it realeses gas called carbon dioxide

How does carbon dioxide go back to the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide goes back to the atmosphere through respiration, the decomposition of plants and animals, and combustion.

Summarize the carbon cycle starting and ending with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.?

The carbon cycle is a process where carbon is removed and returned to the atmosphere. The ways of returning carbon to the atmosphere are- 1. Respiration 2. Decomposition 3. Combustion Ways of removing carbon- Photosynthesis. The CO2 in the air is taken in by green plants for photosynthesis. The green plants die eventually and is decomposed; decomposition return carbon to the atmosphere. Animals respire and return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Decomposers respire as well. Green plants can be used to make fuels, which combust to return carbon dioxide to the air.

How man contribute to the formation of the atmosphere?

Well I know that the atmosphere has carbon dioxide in it, and when we breath out we release carbon dioxide that could be then added to the atmosphere.

What is a natural source of sulfur dioxide carbon dioxide and ash in the atmosphere?

Volcanos release sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and ash to the atmosphere at the same time

What process returns carbon to the atmosphere?

Several processes release carbon as gases (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane) into the atmosphere. Three important processes are fuel combustion, respiration, and methane release. -- Combustion of carbon-based fuels (wood, alcohol, biogas, or fossil fuels) remove oxygen and combine it to form carbon dioxide and other compounds. -- Plant and animal respiration release carbon dioxide. This is the reverse operation of photosynthesis. -- Methane is released from ruminant animals, from decomposition of organisms, and from ocean-bottom clathrate deposits.

How does carbon get from living thing and into the atmosphere?

They release carbon dioxide when they exhale

Carbon dioxide is taken in by?

Oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This is making the oceans more acidic, damaging coral and other sea life.Trees and other vegetation remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, store the carbon, and release oxygen through photosynthesis.

What do plants release into the atmosphere due to photosynthesis?

What do plants release into the atmosphere

Which organism gets its carbon from carbon dioxide?

Green plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and using energy from the sun separate the carbon from the oxygen. They release the oxygen to the atmosphere, and use the carbon.

What type of fuel releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

Diesel fuel, regular gas, and fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Which process does not release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

The photosynthesis of plants. Respiration of any type released carbon dioxide.