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I know one way is pollution im still trying to figure out another 3 ways

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6mo ago

Deforestation disrupts the nitrogen cycle by reducing the number of trees that take in nitrogen from the atmosphere and incorporate it into their biomass. As a result, there is less nitrogen available for other plants in the ecosystem, leading to decreased plant growth and nutrient depletion. Additionally, deforestation increases soil erosion, which can lead to the loss of nitrogen-rich topsoil and further disrupt the nitrogen cycle.

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Q: How does deforestation affect the nitrogen cycle?
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Related questions

What cycle will Deforestation affect?

It can affect the Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle and Water Cycle.

How does deforastation affect the water cycle?

Deforestation affect water cycle in a serious way. It slows down the process of transpiration.

How can you inturuput the water cycle?

Water cycle can be interrupted by deforestation. Water pollution can also affect it.

How does human factors influence or affect the nitrogen cycle?

Human factors influence or affect the nitrogen cycle through interacting physical, chemical and biological processes.

How does water pollution affect the nitrogen cycle?

Water pollution affects the nitrogen cycle the least. The nitrogen cycle is the cycle of nitrogen as it enters earth, becomes fixed, and leaves earth, back to the atmosphere. The only way that water pollution can affect the nitrogen cycle is if there is too much trash in one area of a body of water, thus clogging the surface and not allowing algae to absorb the nitrogen. It could also clog the surface and not allow denitrifying bacteria in waterlogged soil to release the nitrogen back into the atmosphere.

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How will the removal of leguminous plants affect the nitrogen cycle?

it affects the nitrogen cycle as the leguminous plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria on their roots and these nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to collect nitrogen which is transferred to animals when these leguminous plants have been eaten.

How might combustion affect the nitrogen cycle?

it sets fire to it and everything explodes

How do humans badly affect the nitrogen cycle?

they don't. humans are a part of the nitrogen cycle. we eat it in our food, it stays in our bodies, then it leaves our body when we die so it can be used again.

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All of the listed human actions affect the nitrogen cycle with the exception of the?

runnoff of pesticides