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Q: How does deforestation lead to drought?
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Deforestation, climate change, insects, drought.

What will the deforestation of rain forests most likely lead to?

Deforestation of rainforests will likely lead to extensive extinction of species.

What is an enviromental problem for Romania?

Examples: pollution, floods, landslides, drought, earthquakes, deforestation etc.

Can irrigation lead to deforestation?

Irrigation can lead to deforestation because the need for clear paths will lead to the removal of trees and plants. After much removal forests will shrink dramatically in size.

What deforestation could lead to?

Flooding and erosion.

What is desertficatiion?

It is when fertile land becomes a desert. This usually happens due to drought, deforestation, of inappropriate agriculture.

What is deserifcation?

The process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, or inappropriate agriculture.

How does building of new roads leads deforestation?

The clearing of Forrest and expiation of roads can lead to deforestation.

What could lead to drought?

Lack of rainfall

How did deforestation impact the Maya?

According to historians, the Mayas contributed to their own empirical demise by cutting down more trees during periods of drought in order to expand their impact. Experts suggest this contributed to deforestation because the trees could not replenish themselves during the drought season and the Mayan demands.

How has deforestation affected Africa?

Deforestation has created problems with soil runoff, drought, and pollution. It also has contributed to a desertification of the region which makes it harder for communities to base their economy and food systems around livestock.