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Q: How does different particles of a strawberry travel through our body?
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Why cant sound travel through outer?

Sound, unlike light, needs a medium through which to travel. Sound relies on vibrating molecules or particles. Sound can travel through air at about 3 km/s as it vibrates particles and then the neighbouring particles etc. but it can travel much faster through steel because the particles are much more tightly packed.In outer space there are not enough particles to vibrate, no neighbouring particles for the very few particles that are there. No particles means that there is no sound.

Does sound need particles to travel?

No, sound does not need particles to travel. Sound is a mechanical wave that can propagate through different mediums, including solids, liquids, and gases. The particles in the medium vibrate and transfer the sound energy from one particle to the next, allowing the sound wave to travel.

What is the kind of energy that can travel through different mediums but cannot travel through a vacuum?

Mechanical energy, such as sound waves, can travel through different mediums like air, water, and solids, but it cannot travel through a vacuum because there are no particles to transmit the waves.

How sounds are different?

Different sounds are made because they make different sounds waves. Sounds are made from vibrations abd also they travel through air particles...

Can sound travel through different materials?

Yes, sound can travel through different materials such as solids, liquids, and gases. The speed of sound varies depending on the material, with sound traveling faster through solids compared to liquids and gases due to the closer arrangement of particles in solids.

Can sound travel were there is no particles?

No, sound waves require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to travel through. In a vacuum where there are no particles, sound cannot travel because there is no medium for the vibrations to propagate through.

How different sound made?

Different sounds are made because they make different sounds waves. Sounds are made from vibrations abd also they travel through air particles...

Light can travel through a vacuum as is evidenced when you see the sun or the moon. Can sound travel through a vacuum also?

No, sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it needs a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to propagate as a series of pressure waves. Vacuums lack the necessary particles to carry and transmit sound vibrations.

Does heat travel through particles?

Yes, heat is transferred through particles by conduction, convection, or radiation. In conduction, heat is transferred through direct contact between particles, while in convection, it is transferred through the movement of particles in a fluid. Radiation allows heat to travel through empty space via electromagnetic waves.

Who proposed the light consisted of particles that travel in straight lines through space?

Isaac Newton proposed that light consisted of particles that travel in straight lines through space.

Does sound energy need particles to travel through?

No, sound energy can travel through mediums like air, water, or solids, where it causes particles in the medium to vibrate and carry the sound wave. However, sound cannot propagate through a vacuum as it requires a medium to transmit its energy.

How does sound travel through fewer particles?

Sound can still travel through fewer particles because it propagates by causing the particles to vibrate and pass the energy along. Even in sparser mediums, such as in outer space, sound can still travel through the few particles present, but it may not propagate as effectively as in denser mediums like air or water.