

How does digestion of food take place?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How does digestion of food take place?
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The digestion of food in Amoeba takes place in the food vacuole. :)

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Digestion and Respiration are alike in term of the fact that in both of them oxidation of food take place.

What reactions take place during the digestion of food in your body?

exothermic reactions

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Were does chemical digestion take place

Does physical or chemical digestion take place with the tongue?

chemical digestion due to the saliva breaking down food or other things in your mouth.

Type of digestion that takes place in the mouth and stomach?

Both chemical and mechanical digestion take place in the mouth and stomach. The organs both break food into smaller parts, and use enzymes to break down food chemically.

Was is mechanical digestion?

The very minute food enters the mouth it goes through the digestion process. There are 2 digestive system function processes that take place in our body. These 2 processes are the mechanical digestion and the chemical digestion.

Where does maximum digestion of food take place in a vertebrate animal?

The small intestine is where most of the food taken in by vertebrates is digested. It is also absorbed there.

How long does it take for digestion to take place in the stomach and small intestine?

It takes 20 hewers for food to go through your digestive system

Where does most of the digestion of food fake place?

Most digestion occurs in the small intestine.

What kind of digestion is taking place when enzymes break down food?

chemical digestion