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he doesnt like it and he feel embarrased about it. he is depressed because everyone wont stop calling him that

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Q: How does doodle feel about his nickname?
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Yankee. Marchin song became Yankee doodle. Johnny Reb (Confederate)

How does Doodle feel about The Scarlet Ibis?

Doodle admires The Scarlet Ibis's beauty and uniqueness, but also sees it as fragile and vulnerable. Doodle is fascinated by the bird's vivid colors and graceful movements, but is saddened by its tragic fate.

Why would someone say you earned the right to call them by their nickname?

There are many people with a nickname. They only feel comfortable if someone they like and enjoy being around calls them by their nickname and if they are not that close to the person then they feel they have no right to be called by their nickname. It sounds as if this person really likes you and therefore has given you permission to call them by their nickname. It is a bond of trust.

How did James Monroe get his nickname?

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doodle, scribble

What should be your nick name?

your nickname can be anything yew feel comfortable with people calling yew that. lol what if your nickname was cherry-licious!!! =]

What are some of the most famous Google holidays?

There are several famous Google holidays such as Soccer Doodle, Moog Doodle, Turing Doodle, Halloween Doodle, Nemo Doodle, Zipper Doodle, Valentine's Day Doodle and so on.

The Scarlet Ibis how does doodle himself identify with the bird?

In "The Scarlet Ibis," Doodle identifies with the bird because he, like the ibis, is different and struggling to survive. Both Doodle and the ibis are fragile and out of place in their surroundings, making Doodle feel a strong connection to the bird. This identification serves as a symbol of Doodle's own vulnerability and desire for acceptance.