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Q: How does doodle walk in the Scarlet abis?
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Why did Doodle in the Scarlet Ibis?

they walk and breath

How long does it take to teach Doodle to walk in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

It takes a few months to teach Doodle to walk

What part of Doodle's life is his learning to walk in The Scarlet Ibis?

In The Scarlet Ibis Doodle learns to walk when he is almost 6 years old. He practices walking secretly and then surprises his family by showing them how he can walk on his 6th birthday.

How old was doodle when he learned to walk in The Scarlet Ibis?

He is 3 years old

How long does it take to teach Doodle to walk in The Scarlet Ibis?

It takes Doodle a longer time to learn to walk in "The Scarlet Ibis" as he is born with physical disabilities. Over the course of some years, his brother works meticulously to teach him, showing patience and dedication in helping Doodle overcome his challenges and walk on his own. Through this process, Doodle eventually learns to walk, although the exact timeline is not specified.

Who is doodle in scarlet ibis?

Doodle is the narrator's brother he is very week. cant walk until he was six and is born in a caul

Doodles love for his brother in scarlet ibis?

The Scarlet Ibis is a short story about two brothers, one of whom, Doodle, is ill. Doodle admires and loves his brother, who teaches him to walk and play.

How is the narrator both kind and cruel to Doodle in The Scarlet Ibis?

The narrator in "The Scarlet Ibis" is kind to Doodle by teaching him to walk and including him in activities. However, he is also cruel to Doodle by pushing him beyond his limits to meet his own goals, ultimately leading to Doodle's tragic death.

What are the conflicts in the scarlet ibis?

• the narrator is embarrased of Doodle because He has a brother that can't walk at that age.. This is an internal conflict. This conflict is resolved when Doodle died.

What are doodle's two accomplishments in The Scarlet Ibis?

Doodle's two accomplishments in "The Scarlet Ibis" are learning to walk and run, despite his physical limitations, and developing a strong bond with his brother.

In 'The Scarlet Ibis' could Doodle walk during the loft part?

No, Doodle was not able to walk by that time. This is how Brother was able to force Doodle to touch the coffin even though he was afraid to. Brother pretended to leave when Doodle refused to touch the coffin but pleaded with Brother not to leave him. If Doodle had been able to walk, he would not have been so dependent.

What does the scarlet ibis symbolize in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

In "The Scarlet Ibis," the scarlet ibis symbolizes Doodle's unique nature and fragility. Like the bird, Doodle is out of place in his environment and his vibrant existence is ultimately fleeting and delicate. The presence of the scarlet ibis highlights the beauty and tragedy of Doodle's life.