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Hey questioner, droughts impact on people because our human bodies require water which the dry spell (drought) takes away. We also can't clean ourselves, water the garden, drink and survive etc.

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Q: How does droughts impact humans?
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How are droughts caused by humans and nature?

nature because humans dont control when it rains

How can science help to minimise impact on droughts on both short and long term?

it has

What impact do droughts have on people?

they kill people's crops and many people die

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Famine: People may not have enough nutrition later on. Drought; Farmers need to find new farmland and they can't grow crops near the droughts because it is too dry. Farmers may even need to migrate to other countries to start their farmland.

What is the definition of human impact?

human impact is impact of humans on an enviornment

Why are droughts a natural disaster?

Consider the meaning of the phrase "natural disaster". The second half the phrase - disaster - insinuates that it must cause considerable damage or else be undesirable to humans. Drought fits that description very well. It is capable of devastating crops and causing famines. The first half of the word - natural - tells us that it must not be caused by humans, but must be a result of the Earth's natural cycles. Although humans may have a slight effect on droughts, their effect is negligible, and droughts are a part of the natural cycles of the Earth. Therefore, droughts are certainly a natural disaster.

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Do droughts make animals extinct?

Droughts may severely impact the population of a species in a particular place, but it unlikely that a drought alone could wipe out an entire species, unless that species was geographically restricted for some reason.

How do you humans cause droughts the main catastrophe?

yes we mainly do the way we treat the earth isn't good we take water from the ground and guess what that leads to a drought so yes we do cause droughts and natural disasters

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