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Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. For carbon dioxide to become solid within Earth's atmospheric pressure, it must be at around -72oC. This makes dry ice useful as a coolant in some areas.

Dry ice sublimes; that is, it passes from the solid state to the gas state, without becoming a liquid (when heated beyond -72oC). This makes it useful in producing a foggy effect in theatre or at events.

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13y ago
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6d ago

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide that sublimates, meaning it changes from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid. When dry ice is placed in a container with items that need to stay cold, it absorbs heat as it sublimates, creating a cooling effect that helps maintain a low temperature.

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9y ago

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. Solid carbon dioxide is somewhat unique in that moves freely from the solid to gaseous phase at atmospheric pressure. Only at much higher pressures will liquid CO2 form.

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13y ago

Dry ice is produced in a planet, usually not far from an industrial site. A lot of dry ice is made from recycled CO2 byproducts from industrial plants. Anyways, on to what you want to know.

Dry ice is made by taking CO2 gas, purifying it, cooling it, and compressing it. This creates liquid CO2. When liquid CO2 is released from pressure, it creates dry ice snow. This is done in a special chamber, then immediately smashed together using a block press. This creates the dry ice that everyone is used to seeing and playing with.

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9y ago

Dissipates into a gas . dry ice is solid, frozen nitrogen, so at room temperature it dissipates into a white "smoke" (actually nitrogen vapour).

Dry ice is solid frozen carbon dioxide! The white "smoke" is actually water vapor condensing out of the air by the cold carbon dioxide into tiny droplets or ice crystals forming a cloud. At normal room temperature, dry ice will slowly sublimate. This means that it will turn from a solid to a gas. BTW, this is CO2 gas. Be careful to always use in a well ventilated room. CO2 gas can be dangerous.

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13y ago

Dry ice sublimates (turns from solid directly to gas). It turns in to CO2 gas to be specific.

Note: This is why a rule of dry ice is, always use in a well ventilated area. CO2 gas could cause asphyxiation.

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11y ago

Dry ice is frozen CO2

Dry ice will sublimate (solid directly to gas)

Ice will melt

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12y ago

Dry ice is composed of a different substance than water. It needs to evacuate more energy than water to freeze, but in turn needs more to heat, so it stays cold longer than water.

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What is ratio od dry ice volume to mass?

The ratio of dry ice volume to mass depends on the temperature at which the dry ice is stored, as dry ice sublimes at -78.5°C. At this temperature, the volume of dry ice is about 832 cm³ per 1 kg of mass. Keep in mind that this ratio may vary slightly due to factors such as pressure and purity of the dry ice.

What is causing the change in dry ice and the water ice?

Dry ice changes directly from a solid to a gas through sublimation. The change in water ice is due to melting, where heat energy is absorbed to break the hydrogen bonds holding the water molecules together, resulting in a phase change from solid to liquid.

How do you cool dry ice packs?

Dry ice packs cool on their own as they sublimate from a solid to a gas. To help expedite this process, you can place the pack in a well-ventilated area or expose it to warmer temperatures. Never seal dry ice packs in an airtight container, as the buildup of gas could cause the container to burst.

Can you mix dry ice with regular ice?

It is not recommended to mix dry ice with regular ice because dry ice is solid carbon dioxide, which will sublimate into a gas at a very cold temperature. Mixing it with regular ice may cause the regular ice to freeze faster and crack due to the extreme cold of the dry ice. It is best to keep them separate for safety reasons.

How long would it take to freeze a soda in dry-ice?

It would take approximately 5-10 minutes to freeze a soda in dry ice due to the extremely low temperature of dry ice (-109.3°F or -78.5°C). The exact time may vary depending on the amount of dry ice used and the initial temperature of the soda.

Related questions

How do you cool dry ice packs?

Dry ice packs cool on their own as they sublimate from a solid to a gas. To help expedite this process, you can place the pack in a well-ventilated area or expose it to warmer temperatures. Never seal dry ice packs in an airtight container, as the buildup of gas could cause the container to burst.

Uses of dry ice?

many people use it to keep their ice cream cool why they're out selling it all day

How is dry ice better than water ice?

Which would last longer actually depends on the temperature of the system (surrounding) they are exposed to. The temperature is more the ice will melt faster ut on the other end the water will last longer as it has the boiling point of 100 degree celcius so even if the surrounding temperature is more the water will last longer.

How do you make dry ice without fire extinguisher?

A fire extinguisher does no make dry ice. Dry Ice is the solid form of the gas Carbon Dioxide. At room temperature is you compress (and cool) CO", it turns into solid CO2 (dry ice) without forming a liquid phase.

Is the temperature of ice water lower than the temperature of dry ice in alcohol?

No. The temperature of dry ice is far lower than that of ice water.

Do you put real ice on top of the dry ice in the skating rinks?

Yes, because there is a fan to keep it cool on the top and bottom.

Will dry ice evaporate at room temperature?

Yes, dry ice will evaporate at room temperature. Carbon dioxide, the constituent component of dry ice, is a gas at room temperature.

What other thing apart form air conditioning could be done to keep a house cool?

Dry Ice

Why is dry ice dry and an ice cube wet?

Dry ice freezes and the wet ice and everything keeps cool and chilled but not frozen..obvousliy.

What is causing the change in dry ice and the water ice?

Dry ice changes directly from a solid to a gas through sublimation. The change in water ice is due to melting, where heat energy is absorbed to break the hydrogen bonds holding the water molecules together, resulting in a phase change from solid to liquid.

What contributes to how fast dry ice will sublimates?

Dry ice is extremly conductive to temperature

How do you prevent ice from melting?

Simple. You keep ice in dry ice. But be careful not to eat dry ice!