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Q: How does egg donation work?
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How does egg donation affect my fertility in the future?

Egg donation does not have any long-term effects on your fertility.

Can you carry someone else's egg?

Yes you can. They call it 'Egg Donation'.

Where can one find information about egg donation?

Your local gynecologist or sperm bank would be the best place to find information on egg donation as they are usually the most in touch with the egg donation community. Egg donors are subject to review and approval by egg donation clinics and facilities. An egg donor can be specifically requested by a family member or friend, or chosen from a bank of donors. In many cases, the prospective parents will interview the donor before the actual selection process.

What are the qualifications for egg donation?

Most egg donation programs require egg donors to be younger than 32 years old. They may also screen the potential donors for being carriers of inherited diseases.

What is the price of a human egg?

Egg donation prices vary but women can receive around $8,000 for donating her eggs.

What companys have Egg Donation Programs?

Some, for example, The Donor SOURCE of New England (, The Egg Donation Center in San Diego & Los Angeles (, the firs URL provides you a list of locations around USA. IVF Egg Donation Agency has Egg Donation Programs. Another company that has Egg Donation Programs is Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility at Weill Medical College of Cornell

Can you be an egg donor if you've used Depo-Provera in the past?

Using Depo Provera in the past doesn't prevent egg donation.

I am a 31 year old looking to donate my eggs i am a mother of 2 little girls and could use the money?

Egg donation averages $4000 per donation.

How do gay people spread their genes to the next generation?

Like everyone else; by having children through sex, sperm donation or egg donation. Homosexuality, or heterosexuality, is not hereditary.

Is there truely a definitive age limit to egg donating It seems to me that if you ovulate and are in good health that age should not matter. What is the oldest accepted age in for donation in the USA?

Yes there is truly a definitive age limit to a egg donating. If an ovulate and are in a good health does not matter that age to donate an egg. There is an oldest accepted age for donation in the USA is 62.

with a parents signature can a 17 year old donate her eggs?

You can get the information about egg donation from website

How do I become an egg donor In my area? is a site that will provide you information no matter where you live. Egg donation is not a simple process, please be sure to study up on it prior to committing yourself to it.