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The transmission, transfer, creation and storage of data has come to epitomize modern life through the interconnectedness of the world wide web and smart devices. The use of such information has revolutionized society by making information and universe of knowledge accessibly to anyone with data access in real-time. The opposite of the spectrum of electronic information use has been on social media creating questions of privacy and the idea of virtual personality and online etiquettes.

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13y ago

in my opinion, society effects music more than the other way around.

Electronic manipulation of the brain waves and some aspects of consciousness is a well studied fact. Sounds can strongly affect people in a tribal fashion. If the group who lived, say, 200 years ago became interested in dominating another tribe for slaves or to control hunting areas, they would throw a big bash and use repetive drum patterns and chanting to arouse the groups. This is EXACTLY what Hitler did although he went further and added more instruments and audio/video broadcasts.

When the Waco incident happened and Koresh refused to surrender, sure, the community and law enforcement were hostile and desperate to control the situation. Part of the solution was broadcasting electronic sounds at frequencies designed to have powerful effects.

I realise that it would be easy to build a case that society induced the technology but the actually effect was physiological and psychological.

Do race fans make the starter pistol sound off or does the sound have the instant effect of the adrenaline surge...

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11y ago

Are you a fan of electronic devices? If so, then you must have an idea of how these modern devices affect our lives these days. Some people claim that electronics have bad effects and encourage humans to be dependent on technology. However, there are individuals who oppose that belief. Nowadays, devices such as laptops, desktop computers and mobile phones have provided millions of people from around the world the most effective mediums of communication. With computers, we can send personal and business messages in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, getting in touch with friends and families has never been more convenient with the use of cell phones.

DVD players, music and video players, and gaming consoles are just some of the many technologies that provide entertainment to people. These modern equipment serve many functions. With these gadgets, students and professionals can escape the busy life in school and work. Aside from providing pleasure and amusement, electronic devices also help businesses and households protect and secure their offices and homes. In fact, international and big electronic companies make sure that they manufacture tools such as surveillance cameras, security sensors, and car alarms in different designs and with various features.

It is because of these electronics that our lives have become much better. Gadgets and other modern tools help us in many ways from providing entertainment and great communication tools for our safety and security. The good part about these electronic things is they are very handy, allowing us to make our tasks lighter and easier. Fashion is also being integrated in gadgets nowadays. Accordingly, people tend to enhance the appearance of their devices by putting colorful covers or casings on their laptops and mobile phones. Wholesale electronics are really some of the great things help people make their lives more pleasurable than ever before.

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