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producer to consumer.

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with living and nonliving things

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Q: How does energy flows through a food web?
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How energy flows through a food chain and a food web?

Energy flows up a food chain, from the primary producers to the primary consumers, to the secondary consumers, up to the tertiary and then quaternary consumers. Energy flows when one organism eats another.

What happens to energy as flows through a food web?

The energy is reduced in such a way that only 10% is passed to each level.

What a foods web?

a food web is a model representing the many interconnected food chains and pathways on which energy flows through a group of organisms.

What do the arrows in a food web represent?

This also applies to a food chain - The arrows in a food web represent the flow of energy through the web, further along the arrows/web means that less energy is moving along. The energy flows through arrow to the next consumer, the energy moving through the arrows have less and less energy as the web moves on. To put it in (much) simpler terms, the thing its pointing to eats the other thing.

Energy flows up the food web when blank eats puffins?


Do arrows in a food web show how energy is released at each stage?

No it does'nt it shows how energy flows

What is better to show how energy moves through an ecosystem food chain or food web?

food web

What does food web tell you?

I think a food web talks about the energy pasted through an ecosystem

Is there a food web for the Himalayas?

Yes because energy has to travel through the food chain and in the order they eat it is a food web

How is energy transferred through a food web and food chain using law of conversation of energy?

In a food chain and food web the energy is getting reused by the next level so the energy is not being created or distorted, just reused.

The food web is a good way to demonstrate the complex food relations of a given area because?

because when you have a food web it demonstrates how the energy flows in the food web. from the sun to the plants to the carnivors, herbivors, etc. Novanet: Because food chains overlap at many points.