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As the SUN heats the air, ground or water it causes many things. With the AIR it causes winds to move from HOT to cold. This is why if you are in the mountains it seems the wind is always blowing. The air is just raising on the side of the mountain. When the ground heats up, it causes an UPDRAFT which lowers the pressure so now you have a low pressure area. This takes moisture up which condenses when it comes into the cold of altitude. If the moisture does not go to high it will fall as rain when the area cools and the pressure rises. This is not GROUND area, it is and area of air so to speak. It moves all over the world. Cool air falls, warm air rises. If this moisture is raised very high it will freeze and you may get some hail. If it falls as fog, mist, you will have ice crystals, = Snow. As the sun heats up water the water will evaporate and raise and if it is cool you will have fog. These currents is what causes a light aircraft to bounce up and down. A more complicated answer for air rising. As the molecule's of all the gasses in air get hot, they speed up, swell up, and move away from each other. This causes empty space, which makes the AREA lighter, less mass, so it raises, goes UP. To visualize this, Make three '3' large circles, O , that touch each other on some paper, then make three '3' very small circles about the size of this PERIOD. Note the space that they take up. Rex

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