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Q: How does energy move through the ecosystem?
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How energy move through an ecosystem?

Energy flows in one direction from producer to consumer to decomposer.

What is the over all flow of energy through an ecosystem?

Energy in an ecosystem flows in whats called the 10% rule. Meaning, as you move up the pyramid 10% of energy is lost.

How many times does energy move through an ecosystem?

kwento mo sa PAGONG

What is the simple model for showing how matter and energy move through an ecosystem?

Food Chains

How does energy and material move through ecosystem?

Well if I new I wild be a lot more smarter

How does energy flow through the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem?

How does energy flow through an ecosystem?

What is the over all flow of energy through an ecosystem from?

Energy in an ecosystem flows in whats called the 10% rule. Meaning, as you move up the pyramid 10% of energy is lost.

What are five different models that each help explain how matter and energy move through an ecosystem?

Water carbon nitrogen

What shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

Energy Pyramid

How does energy moves through ecosystem?

the sun

What is the typical movement of energy through an ecosystem?

The typical movement of energy through an ecosystem is upward. This means that food flows through the different animals that eat each other.