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Q: How does epinephrine break down glycogen?
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Will amylase break down glycogen into glucose?

Yes, amylase can break down glycogen.

Discuss the role of epinephrine on carbohydrate metabolism?

It is generally accepted that epinephrine promotes the breakdown of muscle glycogen to lactic acid and that this lactic acid is largely reconverted to glycogen by the liver.

Sutherland discovered that epinephrine does what?

regulates the conversion of glycogen to glucose

Which hormone stimulates the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen for storage?

The hormones epinephrine and glucagon control glycogen phosphorylase which is an enzyme that breaks down glycogen into glucose.The Insulin helps in this process ...InsulinGlucagonThis hormone is called 'Glucagon'.

What stimulates the liver to break down glycogen into glucose?

Glucagon is a hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates the liver to break down glycogen into glucose. By doing so, the endocrine system increases the blood sugar level.

Can glycogen be converted?

No. Insulin converts glucose into glycogen for storage in the body. Glucagon converts glycogen into glucose. (it's the various cells in the body that do the conversion in either case, insulin and glucagon are hormones that induce the shift in the metabolism.)

What does the body break down to provide glucose for energy between meals?


What are the two imtracellular responses in the liver to epinephrine?

The two intracellular responses in the liver to epinephrine are inhibition of glycogen synthesis and the release of glucose in to the bloodstream. Epinephrine helps with short term stress and provides energy.

Which observation suggested to Sutherland the involvement of a second messenger in epinephrine's effect on liver cells?

Glycogen breakdown was observed only when epinephrine was administered to intact cells.

When your body needs energy what does it break down in the liver and what does it release into the bloodstream?

The liver stores glycogen. When the body uses it for energy it converts the glycogen to glucose.

Which of the following processes can break down a glycogen molecule to its glucose monomers?

A turtle 🐢🐢🐢

What part of the body contains enzymes that break down into simple sugar?

The salivary glands of the mouth (oral cavity) contains salivary amylases that break down starch and glycogen.