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Ethylene gas is a plant hormone that triggers fruit ripening in many plants. The plants start producing ethylene themselves to synchronize ripening of all the fruit on the tree at the same time.
Humans use ethylene gas to allow them to pick unripe fruit (which will survive better in transportation over long distances than ripe fruit could) and trigger ripening at the destination shortly before selling the fruit to the public.
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10y ago

ethylene gas is a hormone in banana that actually mediate ripening, this gas can be artificially introduced to speed up ripening of fruits

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Q: How does ethylene gas accelerate the ripening of a banana?
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What is a banana ripening chamber?

It is a chamber or room in which green bananas are exposed to ethylene gas in order to accelerate the ripening process of the fruit.

What effect does a paper bag have on a banana?

Placing bananas in a paper bag or any other enclosed environment will hasten the ripening process. This is due to the fact that, as a banana ripens, it emits ethylene gas. Ethylene gas is essential in the ripening process. If you place bananas in a bag, the gas concentrates and the ripening process accelerates. Ethylene gas is what banana importers use to accelerate the ripening of bananas prior to sending them to market.

What are bananas sprayed with to accelerate ripening?

Bananas are not sprayed with anything, at least not anything in a liquid form. In order to accelerate the ripening process, banana are placed in a room and subjected to ethylene gas. Ethylene gas is naturally released by bananas and other fruit, which causes the ripening process. Placing green bananas in commercial ethylene gas does faster what nature would do if the fruit were left on the tree. This allows for the shipment of green bananas over long distances without concern for early ripening before reaching market.

What gas that accelerates the ripening of surrounding fruit does a banana give off as it ripens?

Ethylene gas, a natural by-product of bananas and other fruits, is what accelerates the ripening process of fruit. The riper a fruit is the more gas is emitted. Once green bananas arrive at their destination, they are placed in rooms and exposed to commercial ethylene for this purpose. A method to accelerate the ripening of other fruits, such as tomatoes, is to place them in a container with a fully ripened banana. The ethylene gas that the banana gives off will help ripen the tomato.

Can the banana rate of the ripening process be increased?

Increasing the room's temperature, exposure to ethylene gas, storing the fruit in an enclosed container, such as a paper bag, and exposure to fruit that has already ripened, will accelerate the ripening process.

What is the chemical used to ripen bananas?

Ethylene gas is used to accelerate the ripening process of bananas.

Do bananas really ripen faster left in a plastic bag?

As a banana ripens, it gives off ethylene gas. This gas is instrumental in the ripening process. In fact, it is this same gas that is used by banana importers to accelerate banana ripening once the bananas are ready to go to market. By placing bananas in a paper bag, you are concentrating the gas that is emitted from the fruit. As the concentration increases and the ripening process accelerates, more gas is emitted faster. Essentially, you have a chain reaction taking place -- more ripening means more gas, which means more ripening, and so forth.

Gas is used for artificial ripening of green fruits?


Do all ripening fruit release ethylene gas?

no, but most do.

Which surrounding can increase the ripening process of bananas the fastest?

Commercially, bananas are placed in a room and exposed to ethylene gas in order to accelerate the ripening process. As a consumer, the best way to do this is to place the bananas in a paper or plastic bag and store it in a warm area. Take care to inspect the fruit as it will ripen fast. As a banana ripens, it produces the same ethylene gas mentioned above. By placing the fruit in a bag, you are allowing the gas to concentrate rather than be dispursed as it would if the fruit were stored in the open.

What effect does ethylene gas have on produce?

ethylene gas is a gas that plants produce to help them grow and age faster sometimes too much ethylene gas can result to over ripening (rotting) to reduce over ripening, put your produce in a cold area such as the fridge because the cold slows down the production of ethylene gas

Is there ethylene gas in a banana peel?

why yes, yes there is. The gas substance from the banana is ethylene, but the sugar content fructose helps. That why a banana tastes like it does.