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Q: How does every black widow spider know to kill her mate?
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Can jumping spiders kill black widows?

No a jumping spider can kill a black widow. A jumping spider killed our huge black widow that killed another spider.

Can the westeren black widow spider kill?

Yes, they can.

Is a black widow raelly dangerus?

Yes, the female black spider is highly venomous. Vaccines for a female black widow spider are more common than they used to be, but if untreated, a bite from the spider can kill a human.

What does it mean to be a black widow?

A black widow spider (along with most other spiders) will kill her mate, so a woman who kills her husbands is called a black widow.

Does a male black widow spider bite?

Yes it does!

What is the symbolism of the Black Widow spider?

A Black Widow is the phrase commonly used when a woman is convicted of killing her husband. The actual Black Widow spider is known to kill its partner after reproducing. Hence, why a woman convicted of the murder of their husband is known as a Black Widow.

How long would it take to kill someone after a bite from a black widow spider?


Does the black widow spider kill her mate?

Yes, she does. After mating with her husband, she kills and eats him.

What black spider has a red back and thick fuzzy legs legs?

A black spider with a red back and thick fuzzy legs is commonly called a jumping spider. The formal name is Phiddipus audax.

What spider can kill with a bite?

black widow, brown recluse, and many others, but those 2 are the most common in the u.s.

What kind of spider is black with red and yellow bands on its legs and is in Maryland US?

black widow, if it bites it WILL kill you

How powerful are black widow spider bites?

the black widows bite can kill a full grown man in minutes