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wel what most HUMANS do is go to the gym for people. so FOSSILS go to a gym for rocks. And so there they exersice and get energy. so they get energy from the rock gym.

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Q: How does fossil fuel get its energy from?
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Is nuclear a fuel or a fossil fuel?

Nuclear energy is not a fossil fuel or any fuel at all. Radiation is used to create energy. The energy is "the Fuel" petroleum

What is the defeniton of a fossil fuel power plant?

A fossil fuel power plant is a system of devices for the conversion of fossil fuel energy to mechanical work or electric energy

What are other energy besides fossil fuels?

Fossil fuel is not energy its a energy source and yes there is more energy sources besides the fossil fuel like coal and others.

Is solar energy fossil fuel?

No it isn't a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels include coal and oil.

Which of these accurately describes a difference between nuclear energy and fossil fuel?

Nuclear fuel has a higher energy density than fossil fuels.

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Is fossil fuel nuclear energy?

No because fossil fuel is its own energy from decayed things just like nuclear has its own.

Is geothermal not a fossil fuel or is it a fossil fuel?

Geothermal energy is not a fossil fuel, because it is harnessing energy from the thermal heat energy within the earth and is not dependent upon decomposed ancient plants and animals, which is what coal, oil, and natural gas are, which is why they are called "fossil fuels."

What is fuel energy?

the energy that is in fossil fuels is chemical and radiant energy.

Is fossil fuel another name for non-renewable energy?

yes, fossil fuel is another name for non-renewable energy sources.

How does nuclear energy conserve fossil fuels?

Nuclear energy conserves the use of fossil fuel because if there is a nuclear power station there is no need to burn fossil fuel in that region.

What are fossil fuel examples?

solar energy