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Q: How does gold allow electricity to flow through?
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Can electricity flow through iron gold?

I don't know what "iron gold" is, but electricity will flow through any metal pretty well.

What is an electrical conductor and an electrical semiconductor?

Conductors are substances that allow flow of electricity through them. Although some electricity is lost in the form of heat, yet is negligible. Eg: silver gold copper iron Semiconductors are elements that allow electricity partially. For example they allow 50 percent and stops the rest. Eg: silicon germanium

Material that allows electricity to pass through?

Materials that allow electricity to pass through are said to be good conductors. Conductors have free electrons allow for the flow of charged particles through the material resulting in an electric charge. Most metals are considered to be good conductors, some examples include copper, aluminum, silver, and gold.

What is a condutor?

a material, such as a metal,(gold or steel for instance) that can allow electricity to pass through it.

How might adding a piece of gold wire to the circuit affect the flow of electricity through the circuit?


What are materials that allow charges to flow through then easily called?

electric conductor They are called conductors of electricity. Electricity is the flow of charge. Solid conductors contain free electrons that carry the charge. Liquid conductors contain ions that carry the charge.

Material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?

Metallic conductors such as copper, aluminum, silver and gold are some examples of materials through which heat and electricity can easily flow.

Is a gold ring a good conductor of electricity what kind of bonds does gold have . How do these bonds explain golds properties?

It would be a good conductor. With bonds that explain gold's properties

Why silicon has small conductivity?

Silicon is known as a semiconductor. Conductors like copper or gold readily allow electricity to flow through them when voltage, which is electromagnetic force or pressure, is applied. Semiconductors act like a resistor (something that resists electrical flow no matter how much voltage is applied), however once a certain amount of voltage is applied (0.7 Volts in the case of Silicon), the semiconductor 'turns on' and allows electricity to pass as though it were a conductor.

What are materials that allow electrons to move through them easily?

A conductor. Most metals are conductors-they enable electrons to move freely through them, carrying an electrical charge. Most non-metals (notably excluding graphite, an isotope of carbon) are insulators which means that they do not allow an electrical charge to be carried through them.

What is the best metal to attract electricity?

Copper Gold and platinum are the most reliable and are used in spacecraft and satellite production. It is too expensive for commercial use though. Copper and aluminum are third and fourth in conductivity.

Why can a silver coin conduct electricity?

It is a metallic element with a very low resistivity, so current is able to flow through silver relatively easily. Current actually flows through silver easier than gold.