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Q: How does having a above average physical appearance benefit someone?
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The difference between having a crush on someone and liking someone:If you have a crush on someone, it means that you find their physical appearance attractive.If you like someone, it means that you like their personality traits; not to do with appearance.

What does physical appearance mean?

it mean that you say something about themHow something looks. In the field of genetics, physical appearance is called phenotype. For example, someone may have genes for shortness yet be tall him/herself. In that case, his/her genotype is hetrozygous for height (Tt) but his/her physical appearance, or phenotype, is tall.

How do you describe someone in Spanish?

To describe someone in Spanish, you can use adjectives to talk about their physical appearance, personality traits, or characteristics. Remember to match the adjective with the gender and number of the person you are describing. For example, "Ella es alta y amable" (She is tall and kind).

Would harry styles date someone considered fat?

Harry is not that type of person, he would like you for your personality not your physical appearance.

What would you like to tell someone who don't take care his body?

I would tell him that society's fixation on physical appearance is shallow and meaningless.

Why are classification systems not based on physical appearance?

Classification systems are typically not based solely on physical appearance because individuals within a species can vary in appearance due to factors like age, sex, or environmental conditions. Instead, systems often rely on genetic or evolutionary relationships to more accurately categorize species. Additionally, physical appearance can be misleading and not always reflective of an organism's true evolutionary history or relationships.

How does physical appearance affects in communication?

Through physical appearance, we draw a conclusion about a particular person without any form of verbal communication used.Appearance gives messages about a person and we often channel behaviours based on people's appearance. but apearance cannot give you that much insight about a person. When you dislike someone's appearance, you might not pay as much attention to what they're saying, or you might try to shorten the conversation.

I f you tell someone your spiritually attracted are you saying they are ugly?

No I think you are saying that you are attracted to them on a spiritual level, attracted to their being. It has nothing to do with their physical appearance.

Is Tuerrelle hot?

It is not appropriate to comment on someone's physical appearance in this manner. It is important to focus on treating others with respect and kindness, regardless of their physical attributes.

Outward appearance meaning?

An outward appearance is the appearance of someone on the outside like their clothing or makeup.

What is a below the belt or above the belt crush?

below the belt - strictly physical attraction, a crush on someone for their outward appearance and general sex appeal. above the belt - mental attraction to someone for aspects of their personality

What is the opposite of the word benefit?

The opposite word of benefit is drawback. A benefit is something good for someone or something and a drawback is something bad for someone or something.