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Q: How does heat and cold cause weathering?
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Does rain cause weathering?

The sun is a hot ball of gaswith ultraviolet rays. These rays can harm,but misplace some of Earth's charactaristics.One way is it can break down rocks from heat then cold heat then cold over yars rocks will begin to crack or brake this is a example of weathering.

Why does the weathering rate increase at higher elevations?

because the heat and cold mix d\

What two things can cause changes in the minerals making up rocks?

chemical weathering

How does heat cause weathering?

ewan ko search mo sa google


Is the breakdown of rocks into smaller particles by a natural process cause by water, wind, cold and heat, and gases. Small particles created by weathering are called sediments. 

What forces cause the weathering of land?

Weathering is the breaking down of rock into smaller and smaller particles. Weathering processes include frost wedging, acid rain dissolution, root growth, wind particle abrasion, heat expansion cracking, hydraulic fracture, and rock tumbling in rivers and streams.Erosion is the movement of weathered material from one place to another place through the agents of erosion: wind, water, ice, and gravity.What_is_the_difference_between_weathering_and_erosion

How does large variations between day and night temperatures cause weathering?

During the warm day, things expand from the increased heat. During the cold night, things contract as heat is lost. This process of expansion and contraction creates cracks and other stress points that cause weathering.Hence the temperatures cause weathering. Note: There are few substances that this expansion and contraction can be seen with the naked eye, but even the minute changes cause weathering, and when substances like water get into the microscopic cracks then freeze, it magnifies the effects as water expands when it freezes while other substances contract when they cool down.

Does a cold climate help mechanical weathering?

No. mechanical weathering is the breaking and separating of rock or other materials. In order for mechanical weathering to occur you need water or some kind of mass movement. the only erosional agent which works with mechanical weathering are creep and solifluction, but mechanical weathering itself cannot happen because if it is too cold the frost wedging cannot happen becasue the water would freeze in contact and would not expand

Is lightning a major weathering agent?

According Collier (1985) lightning is a minor weathering agent, in the sense that if it directly strikes a rock it may crack it or start a fire. Alternatively, it may just heat the boulder to excessively high temperatures, so as when it rains the cold water my cause the boulder to break up.

Do acids cause mechanical weathering?

No, acids cause chemical weathering.

Is water a cause of physical weathering or chemical weathering?

It is a cause of both.

Why do things become cold?

Cause there isn't any heat