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When heroin enters the brain, it is converted back into morphine, which binds to molecules on cells known as opioid receptors. These receptors are located in many areas of the brain, especially those involved in the perception of pain and in reward. Opioid receptors are also located in the brain stem, which controls the automatic processes of life, such as blood pressure, arousal, and respiration. Heroin overdoses frequently involve a suppression of breathing.

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8y ago
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13y ago

it destroys your opioid receptors in your brain and throws off you entire endocrine system. This causes serious withdrawths when you don't any natural opioids in your opioids receptors working correctly or your natural endorphines working in your brain/system working properly then this will leave you feeling like you have the flu times 100. If you can go 21 days without any opioids/herion or derivatives such as anything in the 'morphine family' (oxycontin,codeine,demerol, vicodan)then you have beat the addiction. Depending how long you have been using you might have to go on Methadone to make this addiction legal and under control. You can ween off of methadone or suboxone, some people choose to stay on it forever, it really depends on how long you have been using and how much you have been using.

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7y ago

When it enters the brain, heroin is converted back to morphine.

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Correen daigle

Lvl 1
2y ago
What do you mean can you explain more please

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12y ago

Heroin gives the brain false signals because the neurons respond to the heroin as if it were a neurotransmitter.

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11y ago

Your fingernail.

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12y ago

It kills it

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How do heroin effect the brain?

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Heroin is an illegal drug that is similar to morphine and cocaine. It certainly can cause memory loss because heroin abuse can cause brain damage. Heroin is a depressant, and causes your body and brain to slow down. If you overdose, it will stop your heart and breathing.

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What brain functions are affected by heroin overdoes?

If you overdose on heroin your brain will be affected in many serious ways. death is one way. but most likely you will pass out before you are able to take a fatal dosage of herion. But more complications will follow after. i advise all heroin addicts to try to aviod taking to much at once