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Q: How does high altitude affect fire?
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If a person is on pacemaker how will high altitude affect him?

How changes in altitude affect pressure?

At high altitude the pressure is lower.

How does high altitude affect your car's engine?

High altitude gives you less air, therefore a bit less power

Does altitude affect clocks?

yesclocks tick faster at high altitudes

Can high altitude affect you anywhere there would be high altitude?

well the air pressure decreases as you go higher up and so does the temperature due to the warm air expanding and cooling. so yes high altitude affects you anywhere

How can a jetstream affect an airplane?

A jetstream is a very powerful, high altitude wind. It can affect aircraft that fly through it by shaking and buffeting.

Does altitude affect motorcycle?

Yes, there are recommended high altitude carburetor settings for some motorcycles, check with the dealership. Fuel injected motorcycles adjust automatically.

How does atmospheric parameters affect aircraft's lift and drag force generation while gaining altitude?

Temperature - low temperature gains altitude quicker Pressure - High pressure gains altitude quicker Density - Low density gains altitude quicker

What is healthier - living at low or high altitude?

High altitude

How gas behavior affect backpackers at high altitudes?

At high altitude the pressure is lower and the concentration of oxygen also lower.

Does altitude affect mass?


How does altitude affect nitrogen absorption?

Going higher in altitude has less air pressure at high altitude. Less pressure = bigger bubbles. Bigger bubbles = the bends and can lead to bursting alveoli in the lungs which leads to a visit to a recompression chamber.