

How does horses get water?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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There are actually quite a few different ways that horses get their water and a few different variables. I have horses and their out on pasture so we have water tanks for them that we keep full. If a horse is in a stable they would most likely have a bucket in their stall that was kept full at all times. There are also automatic waterers where a horse is trained to step of a pedal of sorts and it fills up a dish for them to drink out of. Wild horses on the other hand are going to drink out of lakes, ponds, creeks, rivers.. pretty much any water supply that they can get to. Its very important for horses to have access to water at all times.

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13y ago

In the wild they go to a stream or river. But if they are owned they usually have a bucket full of fresh water or a big tub that fills its self.

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