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Q: How does humidity affect cricket chirp?
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Related questions

Does the temperature affect a cricket's chirp?

yes, higher the temp higher the sound

When does a cricket chirp?

a cricket chirp in the early spring,to find a mate

Without using the word cricket describe the sound it makes?

Chirp Chirp Chirp...

How do you get a cricket to chirp?

Put a female by him he will start to stirpulate

What is the sound of a grasshoper?

Chirp Chip. Like a cricket.

What body part does a cricket use to chrip?

what body part does a cricket use to chirp.

When do crickets chirp the loudest?

Depends on the cricket. Please specify.

How cricket chirp?

Crickets chirp by rubbing their wings together. A vain in the wing makes the sound louder as the other wing rubs against it.

What is the sound that cricket makes?

crickets normally chirp depending an it's gender

Is it true that the first frost will be 60 days after you hear the first cricket chirp?


Does snow affect humidity?

yes snow do affect humidity

How does high humidity affect weight?

Humidity generally does not affect weight.