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Hydrogen gas evolves off the reaction with the formation of a salt, Aluminum Chloride.


Aluminium reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas and aluminum chloride. If a sample of aluminum is taken in a test tube with some drops of hydrochloric acid, it burns with a 'pop' sound if a burning matchstick is brought near the test tube, indicating the presence of hydrogen gas.

The following reaction takes place(balanced equation):

2Al(Aluminium)+6HCl(Hydrochloric acid)----->2Al3HCl(Aluminium Chloride)+3H2(Hydrogen)

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12y ago
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3w ago

When hydrochloric acid comes into contact with aluminum, it undergoes a chemical reaction where the aluminum metal reacts with the acid to produce hydrogen gas and aluminum chloride. The reaction is typically vigorous and exothermic, and the hydrogen gas can be observed as bubbles forming. This reaction is also a good example of a displacement reaction where the more reactive metal (aluminum) displaces the hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid.

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12y ago

Yes it does and violently so!

I tried removing a rust stain from the bottom of my swimming pool by directing a flow of dilute hydrochloric acid down a handy tube right onto the spot.

The handiest tube I had was the aluminum pool cleaner pole beside me.

Big mistake! The flow of acid inside the tube produced a violent and very obvious exothermic reaction, to the point where I could not hold the tube, the heat being so great. Also boiling, bubbling black liquid erupted from the top of the tube.

I threw the pole into the pool and quickly doused the splashes of black burning liquid from my arms.

Not recommended at home!

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12y ago

does it form sodium chloride and water with some aluminum metal

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12y ago

Al + hcl forms alcl + h

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14y ago

it pops

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Q: How does hydrochloric acid and alluminium react?
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