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Q: How does hydrogen peroxide remove blood stain?
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How do you remove blood stains from clothes?

Hydrogen peroxide works wonders to remove blood from clothing. Soak the item in cold water for about 15 minutes, then pour hydrogen peroxide right onto the stain. Keep dabbing the stain until it comes out. Make sure to rinse the item thoroughly with cool water and then machine wash in cold water to make sure that all of the peroxide is out of the fabric.

How do you remove a dried blood stain from white cotton?

Try an enzyme laundry detergent, follow instructions on package. Hydrogen peroxide is very effective also.

What are the ways to get a blood stain out besides the salt water or the detergent?

Hydrogen peroxide will remove blood stains in many situations. Pour it on the stain and it bubbles up, blot, and repeat as necessary. Take care not to allow it to bleach out the fabric, it is a bleach.

Remove stain from limestone counter top?

Supposedly, a "poultice" made of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water, left to sit on the stain, will draw it out.

How do you remove blood from sheets that have already been laundered?

Try hydrogen peroxide full strength. It may remove it the stain. This works well on fresh blood stains. It will bubble and fizz, repeat process until bubble and fizzing stops. Rinse in cold water. Hot water will set the blood stain.

How do I remove a a blood stain from furniture?

Hydrogen peroxide. Take a cotton ball and put Hydrogen Peroxide (right from the brown bottle) on the ball and squeeze out the excess. Then gently rub the blood stain in a back and forth motion until all the blood is removed. Once removed, take another cotton ball and saturate with cool water and rinse the area with that. Wash it all out as soon as possible in the washing machine on cold/cold. NEVER wash any stain in HOT or put the item in the dryer before the stain is removed. That will set the stain. You may be able to get a dried stain out however by using this method. Never use bleach; it will yellow the item permanently.

How do you get period blood out of colored sheets without bleaching them?

Try hydrogen peroxide I use it everytime I get a period stain in my panties.

How do you clean blood on our clothes?

1. Use hydrogen peroxide to remove excess blood 2. Use color friendly stain removing liquid or bleach 3. Tumble wash and dry 4.(optional) if all else fails, get a stain removing pen and use it

How do you remove pet stains from white carpets?

You can use hydrogen peroxide to remove pet stains from white carpets. Simply mix peroxide with water and pat onto the stain. This does not work for colored carpets.

Will hydrogen peroxide stain blue jeans?

yes it will stain peroxide unstains cloths i tryed it and it turns your jeans white and red.

How do you remove soy sauce from a wall?

Simple surfactants or soap may not remove the stain. A dilute mixture of ammonia-based cleaner, or a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide, may be used to lighten the stain.

How visible are wine stains after the cloth went into the washer?

Unless you use a stain remover or hydrogen peroxide, the wine stain on your cloth may still be visible even after a wash through the laundry. The best way to remove the stain is to blot the stain when its still fresh with some towels and then combine 1 teaspoon of laundry soap with one cup of hydrogen peroxide.