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Q: How does ice melting help food in a cooler cold?
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How does ice melting help keep food in cooler cold?

well i think its because it would keep your food fresh and be able to keep it for a whie

Will aluminium foil slow down the process of ice melting?

yes, because the cold heat inside will help it from melting fast

What will you do to delay the melting of ice?

Put ice in reflective containers. Even placing ice next to items that are merely cooler than the room or outdoor temperature can slow the melting time. Use insulators. Keeping ice lower to the ground will also help, as heat rises and the ground stays cooler. The larger the pieces of ice you have, the longer they'll last. Ice cubes in light colored and white containers will stay cooler.

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How do melting points help scientists?

The melting point can help a scientist identify a substance.

Save Money on a Road Trip with a Food Cooler?

Finding ways to save money on a road trip can be important when traveling on a budget. Using a food cooler can help defray some of the food costs. Buy packs of soft drinks and water and keep them in the cooler. This is much cheaper than buying drinks at a gas station or a drive-thru while on the road. Keeping lunch meat in the cooler is also a way to save money. Having sandwiches for lunch even a couple of days while on the trip can help reduce food expenses. It also provides a chance for the family to have picnic together.

How can temperature be helpful for food?

Cooler temperatures help preserve foods, higher temperatures kill the bacteria and prepare the foods so they can be eaten.

How long can ready to eat tcs food be stored in a cooler?

TCS foods are foods that are more susceptible to becoming unsafe for consumption as they encourage the growth of bacteria. Therefore, ready-to-eat TCS food must be stored in a cooler for no longer than 7 days.

Does antifreeze make your ac blow cold air?

No. Antifreeze is added to the engine cooling system to help the engine run cooler and keep the water from freezing in the winter. A refrigerant (also called freon) is what makes the a/c blow cold air.

How does the density of cold air compare to warm air?

Cooler air is more dense than warmer air, that means that for a unit of volume cooler air will be heavier.

Why can i use the melting point to help to identify a material?

Melting point is a specific property of materials.

What to when you feel a cold coming on?

The best thing to do for a cold is to go to a health food store and buy some remedies that will at least make the cold symptoms subside. Since the common cold is viral, antibiotics would not help.