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Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide that enters the atmosphere because of the electricity and fuel you use. So the more appliances you use, the bigger your carbon footprint, resulting in the increase of global warming, which affects the environment.

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Q: How does increasing my carbon footprint affect the environment?
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How can exercise can positively affect your environment health?

It can help by reducing your carbon footprint

How does carbon footprints affect the environment?

Carbon footprint, as defined by Wikipedia is "is "the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product" [1] or the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. Less carbon footprint will affect the earth because the earth will be cooler if there is less carbon footprint.

Which term is defined as an indicator of how people affect the emissions of greenhouse gases in the environment?

carbon footprint

What is a footprint calculator?

Footprint calculator can be carbon footprint calculator or ecological footprint calculator, which can give data about your impact on environment.

What best describe a carbon footprint?

the amount of carbon he or she absorbs from the environment. APEX

How does the carbon footprint effect the environment?

through lack of oxygen

What best describes a person carbon footprint?

the amount of carbon he or she absorbs from the environment. APEX

How humans modify their environment?

Humans can modify there environment in many ways. All of us humans leave a carbon footprint that effects the environment in good or bad ways. We modify the environment with our own actions. We can effect many lives by our carbon footprint and many ecosystems. Because of humans carbon footprint the Earth has effects. The biggest one would be global warming.

What is a carbon footprint rap?

carbon footprint

What does consumption have to do with a person or nation's carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the measure of how much carbon you and your activities and lifestyle cost the planet. High-consumption nations and lifestyles affect their carbon footprint. Developed countries use far more energy to run their businesses, transport and the personal lifestyles of their citizens. As energy now comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), their carbon footprint is high.

How does the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect life?

Carbon absorbs reactant chemicals. In some cases of poisonings eating a bunch of charcoal is a temporary measure in containing the poison before the stomach can be pumped. Otherwise pure carbon is pretty nonreactive.

How can humans modify their environment?

Humans can modify there environment in many ways. All of us humans leave a carbon footprint that effects the environment in good or bad ways. We modify the environment with our own actions. We can effect many lives by our carbon footprint and many ecosystems. Because of humans carbon footprint the Earth has effects. The biggest one would be global warming.