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Q: How does increasing the wave speed affect the frequencey?
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How does increasing the wave speed affect the frequency?

Assuming a constant wavelength, then increasing the wave speed will increase the frequency.

Two ways to determine wave speed?

you can determine it by the wavelenght and the period of the wave and the frequencey

How does frequencey relate to wavelength?

Frequency = (wave speed) divided by (wavelength)Wavelength = (wave speed) divided by (frequency)Wave speed = (frequency) multiplied by (wavelength)

What is the frequencey of a wave with the speed of 10 and wavelength 20?

Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = 10/20 = 1/2

What happens to the wavelenght of a wave when the frequencey of the wave doubled but speed stays same?

Speed = wavelength x frequency, so wavelength = speed / frequency. Therefore, the wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency. Double the frequency means half the wavelength.

Does wave length affect wave speed?


Does the amplitude affect on the wavelength or wave speed?

No, the amplitude of a wave does not affect the wavelength or wave speed. The wavelength is determined by the frequency of the wave, while the wave speed is determined by the medium through which the wave is traveling. Amplitude simply represents the maximum displacement of particles in the wave.

How does changing the frequency affect the wave speed?

The speed of a wave doesn't depend on its frequency.

How does increasing the wavelength by 50 percent affect the frequency of a wave on a rope?

it decrease the wave length

What wave property affects the speed of a wave?

Both the wavelength and the frequency of a wave affect the speed of a wave.

How does the frequency of a sound wave affect the speed at which the sound wave moves?

Frequency and speed of propagation of the wave are independent of one another. The medium determines the speed of propagation.

What effect if any does the increasing the speed of the plunger have on the wavelength of the wave?

It will shorten the wavelength.