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We experience it as heat.

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Q: How does infrared radiation affect humans?
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Is infrared radiation to human?

infrared radiation is invisible to humans

Human e mit infrared radiation?

yes, humans emit infrared radiation

What 2 invisible radiation from outer space may affect man?

Two invisible radiations from outer space which can affect humans are the infrared rays and the ultra-violet rays.

How does infrared affect humans?

We experience it as heat.

What is the common name for infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation, infrared, heat radiation.

Were where infrared invented?

That's not something anybody invented; just about any object will emit infrared radiation, according to its temperature. In other words, infrared radiation existed long before there were any humans.

Can animals or humans see infrared radiation?

Humans can't see that. Some animals have a different range of radiations they can see. One interesting case is certain snakes, which have a special organ to sense heat radiation (i.e., infrared radiation). This helps them find their prey.

How are infrared waves and infrared radiation related?

infrared waves and infrared radiation both are same

What are three forms of radiation that humans cannot see?

ultraviolet, infrared, x-rays

How is infrared radiation different from visible radiation?

Both are examples of electromagnetic radiation. Infrared has a longer wavelength (lower frequency) than visible light. Of course visible light is visible to humans and infrared is not (although long wave Infrared is sensible to humans as heat).

What is infrared radiation-?

Infrared radiation is when earths surface radiates some of earths surface back into the atmosphereinfrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation, which involves waves rather than particles. This means that unlike conduction and convection radiation can even pass through the vacuum of space.infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation which is emitted in the form of heat. infrared radiation is invisible

Is heat radiation called infrared radiation?

yes, heat radiation is called infrared radiation