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Because although it is actually Ralph who blows the conch it is Piggy who gives him the idea of doing so and explained how it can be done. Piggy tells him, "I knew a boy who had one, he made a sound from it by blowing from down here," Piggy pointed to his diaphragm.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

Jack reacts angrily and challenges Piggy's authority by knocking the conch out of his hands. This action shows Jack's increasing disregard for rules and order, as well as his growing desire for power and control over the group.

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13y ago

It can not talk because it does not have a big voice box. Humans can talk because ours is big. So, we all know that is a stupid question. Why did you even ask that?????!?!?!?! Wow! DO YOU HAEV A BRAIN?????

Um this question is referring to the book called Lord of the Flies where there is a character named Piggy (who is a human and can talk) I felt your answer was very unnecessary and rather insulting. Please find your sources before insulting someone's intelligence.

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13y ago

Roger pushes a boulder off a cliff and it starts heading towards Ralph and Piggy. Ralph dodges the bolder, but it hits Piggy which shatters the conch and sends him to his death. =L #21

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14y ago

the person holding the conch has power to bring order and discipline when it was destroyed the authority on the island was destroyed too

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13y ago

Roger pushes a boulder off a cliff and it starts heading towards Ralph and Piggy. Ralph dodges the bolder, but it hits Piggy which shatters the conch and sends him to his death. =L #21

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12y ago

I accuse you killed the pig & conch in the spa with the trophy.

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Q: How does jack react when piggy is holding the conch on top of the mountain?
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Huh ! They feels that he is an outsider !

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Lord of the flies. chapter 2. help?!?1.what rule does concerning the conch is made?2.what does piggy attempt to call the group's attention to?3. how does the talk of the "beasties" affect the boys?4. at this time, Ralph says the boys appear to have 2 goals. what are they?5. hwo does the group react to Ralph's suggestion that they build a fire? how does piggy describe their actions?6. how does piggy treat a small boy? what does that tell us about piggy?7. how do they manage to start the fire?8.what responsibility has jack taken on for his choir?9. what goes wrong? do you see any symbolism here? what is going on in the adult world at the time?10. who is missing?

What happens at the beginning of the novel lord of the flies?

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How do the boys react to Piggy in Goldings novel?

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