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No it does not. It was once used for piping

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Q: How does lead react with air and water?
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lead does not react with water or steam

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Iron can react with water in the presence of air and form rust.

What chemical properties does lead have?

Lead is a moderately active metal. It dissolves slowly in water and in most cold acids. It reacts more rapidly with hot acids. It does not react with oxygen in the air readily and does not burn.

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'atoms' cannot 'react' to air pressure for air pressure is generated from atoms (oxygen, noble gasses, water).

Does lead react with air?

Yes, lead reacts with oxygen and produces lead oxide.

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Sodium will normally not react with air. However, it will react with Chlorine. However, that shouldn't be in the air. It will also react with water, but again you need too much water for the air to hold really. That said, going into a steam room with a lump of it would be a bad idea.

Does lead react to helium?

no. lead doesnot react with helium

Is air the main source of weather on earth?

Air and water vapor react to solar radiation, geography and bodies of water.

What does not have the affinity for water?

There are some metals which do not react with water. Metals like Silver,Gold,Platinum,copper,Mercury and non metals like Hydrogen do not react with water.

This metal does not react with water?

Examples: platinum metals, gold, silver, lead, etc.