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In very simple terms. Limestone is an alkaline and when it comes into contact with water, alkaline molecules/components are formed and these buffer/ bind with some of the acid molecules/components and thus cancel them out reducing the acidity (increasing the alkalinity) of the water.

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Q: How does limestone increase the hardness and adjust the PH of water?
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How do you get limestone out of your pipes?

You don't. Treat water to help with water hardness. If pipes are clogged, replace them.

Do I adjust the hardness of a saltwater pool if its high?

Probably the least expensive is to replace some or all of the water(dependind on hardness) with fresh.

What are the characteristics of limestone islands?

it contains at least 50% calcium carbonate it has cracks and joints it is permeable (allows water to past through)

How do you control the hardness or softness of aquarium water?

There are crystals available in many pet shops that can be placed in a filter to remove hardness. To increase hardness you can add sea shells. To neutralise the water you can get 'Neutralising blocks'. If you are really keen you can use a reverse osmosis filter to remove all the hardness (and other impurities) from the water and then add all the required chemicals to make the water exactly what a specific species requires.

How does water hardness differ by region?

Typically in the east coast the rock formations are igneous rocks like granite so the water doesn't pick up very much calcium so you will have a modest amount of hardness on the east coast of the united states, in the south central, primarily the Texas area, you get extremely hard water along with high tedious and on the west coast water has an average hardness and then are some areas of the mid-west where the water can be extremely hard, also from wells they being the upper mid-west, the water has a lot of limestone deposits and that's where water hardness is imported to the water.

How do you increase hardness of mild steel?

You heat your object until its hot red and then you cool it quickly in water

What is hardness in relation to water quality?

Hardness of water pretains to the concentration of minerals and other trace elements in your local water supply. Well water-such in my area is "very hard"-meaning it contains a large amount of iron and other minerals-when boiled down in a pot of the water on your stove-it will leave a deposit on the pan once the water has boiled away. A water softener helps filter out these particles.

Which does not cause hardness of water?

Magnesium sulfate (MgSo4) does not cause hardness of water.

How do you get rid of water hardness?

Salt is sometimes used to remove water hardness. Borax and soda are generally used as well to remove water hardness.

Wat salt is responsible for temporary and permanent hardness of water?

Temporary hardness of water: CaHCO3, MgHCO3 Permanent hardness of water: CaSO4, MgSO4

What gave limestone the name limestone?

Limestone is called limestone because it has lime in it from the sea water it if formed in.

Why is water acidic when it reaches a limestone?

it the limestone is acidic