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Under normal circumstances, liquid nitrogen is at a temperature of less than -196C - pretty cold!!!

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Q: How does liquid nitrogen freeze things?
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What kind of liquid do you use to freeze things?

As a general rule, liquids don't freeze things. But the gas, Liquid Nitrogen, can freeze things.

What are the good things about liquid nitrogen?

It can freeze your wart's! and Nicole M is so awsome

Am making a freeze-wave how can you use nitrogen to make things freeze?

making a freeze-wave how can you use nitrogen to freeze things

If liquid nitrogen freezes everything why is itself a liquid?

liquid nitrogen will not freeze everything. Hydrogen and helium will remain a gas when exposed to liquid nitrogen.

Can liquid nitrogen freeze the wind?

No. The wind is composed of a small amount of water vapor and about 20% oxygen and about 80% nitrogen. The water vapor may freeze but the oxygen and the nitrogen cannot freeze at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Oxygen has a much lower freezing point than liquid nitrogen and if the nitrogen were to be frozen, liquid nitrogen is not cold enough to freeze it...sort of like trying to make ice using cold water.

Why does liquid nitrogen freeze?

The temperature of the liquid nitrogen is so low that it freezes water molecules from the air which forms as ice at the opening.

Can liquid nitrogen freeze a bubble?

only in imaginationland

Does liquid nitrogen freeze water?

Of course, it is possible !

How long does it take to freeze an insect?

If you dip them into liquid nitrogen (LIN) they will freeze instantly.

What gas or liquid pumped into water would cause it to freeze instantly?

Liquid nitrogen

Can there be liquid nitrogen?

Yes, liquid nitrogen exists. It is sold in strong, insulated containers and is used to instantly freeze biological specimens or tissue.

Can liquid nitrogen give you superpowers?

No. Liquid nitrogen is nothing like radioactive waste or a biological virus. It would freeze your hands off on contact.