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By going to the hospital after her accident.

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it rush into the car so it hurt him more instead of hurting Sandy, and he die

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Q: How does lob show his loyalty toward sandy?
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Is loyalty the theme in Lob's Girl?

Yes, loyalty is a major theme in "Lob's Girl." The story explores the loyalty and bond between Lob's dog, Sandy, and Lob's niece, Sandy's descendants, as well as the family's loyalty to Lob's memory and their cherished belongings.

What are the main events in the story Lob's Girl?

In the story "Lob's Girl," a young girl named Sandy discovers a dog who appears to be the reincarnation of her ancestor's beloved dog, Lob. Through a psychic connection, Sandy learns about Lob's life and experiences during the Civil War. The story focuses on the themes of love, loyalty, and connection across generations.

How far did lob walk to get to sandy In lobs girl?

In "Lob's Girl," Lob walked six miles to get to Sandy to return the cat that Lob believed Sandy claimed.

How did lob help sandy in the story lobs girl?

Lob helped Sandy by returning after the grave and waking her up out of her coma and saving her life! Lob helped Sandy by trying to get to her when she was in a coma. Once Lob managed to get to Sandy, he sat by the door and whined, for he was held back by Granny Pearce. He kept whining and Sandy turned over and said, "Lob? Lobby boy?" because she was now out of her coma and saw Lob alive and well. Lob ended up saving Sandy's life. This story reminds me of ET, because ET and the boy have that weird phyco connection and it's almost the same with Lob and Sandy. (Just a thought)

In the story Lob's girl What happened to Sandy nine years after she meets Lob?

Nine years after Sandy meets Lob, she discovers Lob's secret talent for carving wooden figurines. Sandy is amazed by Lob's skill and is inspired to pursue her own passion for art, which leads to her becoming a successful artist herself.

What is the falling action in Lob's Girl?

In "Lob's Girl," the falling action occurs when Sandy uncovers Lob's body and brings him back to his resting place. This moment brings closure to the story as Sandy finally learns the truth about Lob and helps him find peace.

Is Lob's girl a true story?

Lob's Girl is a story about the loyalty and friendship of a dog named Lob and a girl named Alexandra aka Sandy. Lob was on vacation with his owner when he met Sandy, a young girl living in a small town in England with her family. Lob returns to his own home, but walks twice all across England to return to Sandy. Finally, Sandy adopts him and they are very good friends. Near the end, Sandy is in an accident and is hospitalized and Lob comes and sees her in the hospital. The story ends with the reader discovering that Lob died in the crash and was buried in the ocean. The story leaves you with a mysterious and undecided feeling. The story is really good! Read it some time!!! Umm... also I think that this story is the best story you hsve possibly read! lol! also a good res ponce to literature story.

Why do you think Lob and Sandy became such close companions in the short story Lob's Girl by Joan Aiken?

what role did lob play in the pengelly family

What are some of lobs qualities lobs girl?

A few qualities I may possess as a "lob's girl" are loyalty, understanding, and good communication skills. I would support and encourage my partner, prioritize their happiness, and work together to maintain a healthy relationship.

What is the summary for lob's girl?

the answer is there no summary anywhere on earth

How did Lob help Sandy?

Lob helped Sandy by providing her with valuable advice and guidance, offering emotional support, and standing by her side through difficult times. Lob's presence and wisdom helped Sandy navigate her challenges and grow as a person.

Who are Sandy's parents in lob's girl?

Bert is the dad and Jean is the mom.